Favorite Fall Is in the Air!

In my last post I wrote about spring and summer (“Summer is icumen in”).  Perhaps it is appropriate that I focus on fall and winter for this blog!  I should call this post “Winter is icumen in.”  Today is the … Continue reading

A Nocturnal Visitor

We have a big bay window in our bedroom.  This area doesn’t get much direct sunlight so the snow really stays and is quite deep!  When I look out the window at the woods and snow, I am always reminded of one of my favorite Robert Frost poems, “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening.” 

Whose woods these are I think I know.
His house is in the village though.
He will not see me stopping here
To see his woods fill up with snow. . . .

The woods are lovely, dark and deep.
But I have promises to keep
And miles to go before I sleep
And miles to go before I sleep.

Friday night I turned off the light after reading in bed for a while.  Bill had dropped off, and Stella was sleeping on the floor under the window.  All of a sudden, the motion sensor light behind the house came on.  Since I was still awake, I hopped out of bed to see what triggered the light.  There he (or maybe she?) was, right outside our window.  A huge moose!  His coat was a beautiful shiny brown under the spotlights.   If the window had been open, I could have almost touched his back from inside.  

I quickly whispered to Bill, “Come here quick and look at this!  Hurry!”  About that time Stella woke up and, figuratively speaking, wet her little doggie pants!  Here was the evil moose-creature about three or four feet from where she had been peacefully sleeping.  Needless to say, she went ballistic.  We grabbed her collar to prevent her from trying to lunge against or through the bedroom window.

The moose turned his head and gave an irritated look back at the window, no doubt wondering what all the commotion was about!  He continued to walk slowly along the edge of the house and garage, utilizing the little path that Bill keeps stomped out in the snow.  Our satellite dish is on the roof on the back of the house, close to the bedroom window.  When the snow builds up on the dish and we start to pixelate and lose satellite signal, he heads out back with an extra long broom he rigged up to clear the dish. (Pixelate—isn’t that a great word?)

At this point our visitor made a right turn in front of the garage, out of our sight.  All three of us made a mad dash to the living room to look out of the front window.  There he was in the driveway! He walked over to Bill’s plow truck and checked it out and looked at the giant pile of snow from previous plow jobs.  Apparently, he decided it was too much work to try to go through the snow pile and ambled slowly up the driveway and out of sight.

We all headed back to bed with a bit of an adrenaline surge.  Stella, of course, immediately told me she wanted to go out in the back yard for a potty break.  Oh no!  I know what you want; you just want to run out back to the west side and see if you can see or smell the moose.  I don’t think so!  We have a seven-foot fence around the yard.  Does that tell you something?  On the west side of the property the seven-foot fence is reduced to about a four-foot fence due to deep, crusty snow.  The moose could have hopped over that in a flash.  The moose generally go down the easement on the west side, so I wasn’t taking any chances!

Interestingly, I had just mentioned to Bill the other day that we hadn’t seen the moose lately.  I guess I jinxed it!  Now I am back to peering apprehensively into the woods every time we take a walk.  I suppose I could take my pistol, but that is a challenge too.  (Yes, I am one of those people with a concealed carry permit!)  If I put it in my pants pocket, the weight practically makes my pants fall down.  I guess I could get a holster or something, maybe a nice tooled leather with fringe, just like I envisioned as a little kid, but not sure how that works with a semi-automatic pistol. 

We don’t hunt or shoot things, but I have had hunters tell me that it takes a really high-powered rifle to take down a moose.  My little pistol would probably just be like an irritating little gnat.  The $64,000 question (anyone besides me old enough to remember that old TV show?) is if I fire my pistol, would it scare him off or piss him off? I’m not sure want to do a trial run on that.  As always, life in the mountains is never dull!

©Eclectic Grandma, 2020

If you’d like to look at last week’s blog, “Musings on the Coronavirus and Stephen King,” just high the back arrow at the beginning of end of this post.  Thanks!

Close Encounters of the Moose Kind

After dinner last Friday evening,  Stella was pestering so I thought I would take her for a quick little after dinner walk. It was dusky, but still light out.  I  took her for a short stroll up the driveway.  We went up the drive and down the road a short way and were cutting through the woods right behind our bedroom to go home, a really brief little evening walk.

 Suddenly Stella froze and started to growl and bark.  My first thought was that it was a squirrel or even a coyote.  Then I looked, and there they were!  A moose cow and calf, about 40’ feet away. Now to put this in perspective, the baby, the calf, was about the size of a quarter horse, and Mom was about the the size of a Clydesdale but with skinnier legs.

We live in a heavily wooded area, primarily the tall, lanky Lodgepole Pines. With snow on the ground, it is very difficult to distinguish between dark tree trunks and those black moose legs! Your eyes and your imagination can play tricks on you. Is that a moose or just a tree swaying in the wind?

Now there are a few basics about moose that you need to know:

1.  They are really big!
2.  They  (thankfully) have bad eyesight.
3.  They hate dogs!  They are pretty stupid, and their only natural predator is the wolf.  They wouldn’t know the difference between a wolf and a Corgi, let alone an Irish Setter!
4.  Momma moose are very protective of their young and VERY aggressive, even for babies who are almost as big as they are!  In fact, they are just plain mean to everyone and everything.
5.  Did I mention that they are VERY big?

So, to continue, Stella started barking, and both moose headed toward us.  Time to retreat!  Pardon my French, but I about you-know-what in my pants!  I grabbed Stella and started a retreat!  She managed to wrap her leash around a little tree!  Oh shit!  I get the leash unwrapped from around the tree.  I  didn’t even bother with the retractor on the leash, just wrapped it around my hand and headed down the slope behind the house.  The moose kept coming!  Heart rate increasing — 100, 120, 150!   I yelled for Bill, but inside the house, he couldn’t hear me!

Stella,  in a rare stroke of doggie wisdom, stopped barking and stayed as close to me as possible as we quickly headed down the slope behind the bedroom, around the garage, and to the front door.  I think she realized this was no laughing matter!  The moose finally decided that checking out things to munch on was more interesting than following us further!  Thank God!

Have to admit, I was feeling pretty trembly when we got into the house.  I saw my life  flashing before my eyes!  A few years ago a couple of women about five miles from us who were walking their dogs in the morning were attacked.  They ended up in ICU, and one died, so I have a very healthy respect for these vile creatures! 

I must have been as white as a ghost because Bill quickly asked me what was wrong.  We all three rushed into the bedroom and looked out the window.  There they were!   These photos were taken from the relative security of the bedroom window.  Guess I need to start carrying my pistol!  

Since this little episode, Stella and I both peer into the woods around us when we walk just in case our little visitors might be lurking there in the trees. As I think back on this rather frightening episode, I think that Stella’s barking definitely caused the moose to head toward us, but at the same time if she hadn’t alerted me, I could have just unwittingly triggered their wrath without warning. Oh well, such is life in the Colorado mountains. It’s pretty bad when a bear or a mountain lion seems like a less scary option!

©The Eclectic Grandma, 2019

The Haunted TV Box

Today most of us have multiple television sets, and the vast majority of us receive our TV via satellite or cable.  All of those connected TV’s across the country tend to have some kind of receiver box as well to … Continue reading

Summer daze

Summer is rapidly drawing to an end.  Somehow this year it seemed to arrive late and to be planning on an early departure.  We had a lot of snow in April and on into May followed by non-stop rain in … Continue reading