The Moments of our Lives

Have you ever looked back at your life and the monumental events therein?  We all have the personal events–the weddings, the births, the deaths, the crises, the tragedies of life– but we also have the massive overlay of world events … Continue reading

Popcorn Balls

After my last somewhat somber blog about the election, it’s time for a lighter note!  Today’s blog is dedicated to my wonderful, loving husband.  A couple of weeks ago I wrote a blog recalling the Halloween celebrations of my childhood.  A friend of mine mentioned that it made her recall her Mother’s yummy popcorn balls when she was a kid, which in turn reminded me of a long-forgotten (or suppressed) incident.


When we first got married, my hubby used to rave about his Mother’s popcorn balls.  One day I decided I would surprise him with some homemade popcorn balls.  I bought popcorn, white Karo syrup, sugar.  I was ready to roll!  Now today I would just google “popcorn balls” on my iPad and up would pop 20 or 30 recipes for popcorn balls.  In those days, of course, no one had ever heard of iPads or smart phones!  How difficult could it be?

Humming happily in the kitchen, I popped the popcorn, mixed up the Karo and sugar, and got ready to form those tasty, crunchy balls.  I had squares of cellophane ready to wrap them up.  But wait–something was wrong!  The balls just weren’t holding together properly.  Finally in desperation I took Bill a large bowl of very sticky popcorn along with a spoon to eat it with.  Somehow, he wisely managed to keep a completely straight face and asked me if I had cooked the sugar-syrup mixture long enough.

Cook it?  Slowly the light dawned.  I had left out one very crucial step in the process!  I must confess that was my first and last venture into homemade popcorn balls.  I don’t even particularly like them anyway, and if we get the urge for some Halloween popcorn balls today, there is always the Popcorn Factory!

©The Eclectic Grandma, 2016

Reflections on the Election

This time last week we were all awaiting Election Day, probably with a mixture of apprehension and anticipation.  Now at long last the seemingly endless campaign is over, and we have the results.  Sadly, we remain a divided nation with … Continue reading

Why I Write

Why now, at my age, do I suddenly have this compulsion to write?  Actually, I’m not sure why.  For better or worse, the words just keep swishing around in my head, sort of like the waves pounding on the beach.  … Continue reading